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Gathering Innovators: Conference Chronicles

Memeriahkan hari Kartini 2019, TK Terang Bangsa menggelar lomba busana tradisional Indonesia dan deklamasi untuk para murid TK A dan TK B. Tidak seperti hari-hari biasa, Senin 22 April 2019 suasana di TK Terang Bangsa Surabaya tampak hiruk pikuk, beberapa murid berlarian karena gembira sementara para guru dan orang tua terlihat was-was melihat tingkah murid dan anak-anak mereka.

Knowledge Exchange: Highlights from Workshop Series

We hear about drones in everyday news. HAND has started a new initiative to explore the use of drones to help disaster-stricken communities rebuild their lives. Working with a volunteer staff from Temasek Polytechnic since early 2019, HAND staff has been progressively trained to operate small off-the-shelf drones for aerial surveys in Bromo, Indonesia.

Wellness Warriors: Inspiring Healthier Communities

In celebrating Kartini Day 2019, TK Terang Bangsa held the Indonesian traditional fashion competition and the declamations for TK A and TK B students. Unlike the usual days, Monday, April 22, 2019, TK Terang Bangsa Surabaya were hustling-bustling, some students ran here and there happily and the teachers and parents looked worried in seeing their children’s acts.

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